The Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy is dedicated to advancing the well-being of all people. We develop new approaches to solve pressing global policy challenges, provide rigorous training for the next generation of policy leaders, and engage in policymaking around the globe.

The Brooks School was founded to unify Cornell’s wide-ranging expertise in policy research, education, and engagement. As a world-class institution, we’re positioned to tackle the complex global policy problems of our time. In the context of Cornell’s land-grant mission, the school’s faculty explore how government decisions and actions intersect with people’s lives and conduct research to inform policy innovation.

In the past, Brooks School Annual Fund dollars have supported:

Future priorities for the Brooks School Annual Fund include:

Future priorities for the Brooks School Annual Fund include:

  • $5,000will enable one student to participate in faculty-led summer research.
  • $10,000will provide funding for the Brooks School State Policy and Advocacy Clinic, where students spend a year directly engaging in policy development in New York State.
  • $25,000will enable two students with financial need to participate in Cornell in Washington summer experiences, which include internships and courses taught by policy practitioners.

Message from the dean

Colleen L. Barry, Dean, Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy

“To meet the challenges of our time, the world requires a new generation of leaders with the skills and drive to tackle the biggest policy problems we face as a global society.”

—Colleen L. Barry
Dean, Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy


Connect with us to learn more about ways to give to the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy by emailing Haley Weiss, assistant dean of Alumni Affairs and Development, at

Every dollar adds up

We can do so much more with your support this year—and every year.