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Giving at least two years in a row makes you a member of the 1865 Society for loyal donors. If you haven’t renewed your membership yet, do it today!
Renew nowSummer is almost over. But you can still kick back, relax, and enjoy a taste of the season—with these signature drinks created just for 1865 Society members. Cheers to you!
Each recipe makes one mocktail. (Add extra libations as desired.)
To make your own lavender syrup: Boil 1 cup hot water with 1 cup white granulated sugar to make a 1:1 simple syrup; stir until sugar dissolves. Add ¼ cup culinary-grade dried lavender, stir, and turn off the heat. Let syrup steep for 10-15 minutes, and strain. Syrup keeps for up to one month in the refrigerator.
Inspired by a Regent Lounge recipe shared by Autumn Greenberg, Regent Lounge manager
To make your own rosemary syrup: Make a 1:1 simple syrup (1 cup hot water, 1 cup white granulated sugar, stir until dissolved). Blanch a few sprigs of rosemary in hot water for 30 seconds, then dip in an ice bath to cool. Add simple syrup and rosemary to a blender, and blend for 15-30 seconds. Strain through a fine strainer. Syrup keeps for up to one month in the refrigerator.
This is a Regent Lounge recipe shared by Autumn Greenberg, Regent Lounge manager
Check out these other herb-y Cornell downloads and activities