Cornell’s investment office looks forward

Managing Cornell’s investment and stewarding its endowment are key to Cornell’s fiscal health and securing its future. In the year and a half since Kenneth Miranda stepped up to lead Cornell’s investment office as chief investment officer, the team has reported strong endowment returns, implemented new investment strategies for 2017, and completed phase one of a move … Read the full story

Neafseys fund Cornell Tech’s top academic post

John P. Neafsey ’61, MEng ’62, MBA ’63 and his wife, Rilla, have endowed the top academic leadership position at Cornell Tech, currently held by Dean and Vice Provost Daniel P. Huttenlocher. “The opportunities for Cornell Tech are boundless, and it has done extraordinarily well in getting underway,” said Neafsey, a retired Sun Co. executive … Read the full story

Parents Committee pays it forward

“We spent about 15 to 20 minutes with each student, and it went over very well,” said Charlie Chasin P ’15, ’19, a managing director at Morgan Stanley. Chasin connected with students interested in preparing for jobs in business and the financial industry, explaining how recruitment processes work, which courses may be useful, and the … Read the full story

International alumna gives back to help students

After learning more about her situation, ISSO director Brendan O’Brien tapped an emergency-funding reserve to sponsor her for an additional semester. Greatly relieved, Madeira Kliauga was able to continue her studies and later secure funding for her last semester and earn her degree. ISSO completely saved me!” she said—and she hasn’t forgotten the kindness. Earlier … Read the full story