A gift annuity, the simplest life-income agreement, is a contract between Cornell and a donor that is established with a gift of $10,000 or more. In exchange for this generous gift the donor will receive guaranteed payments at stated intervals for life. Donors often use Charitable Gift Annuity payments to support themselves, spouses or other loved ones. In the case of an immediate gift annuity, payments will begin right away at the first calendar period following the contribution. In the case of a deferred gift annuity, payments begin at a designated time in the future. Typically, cash or other appreciated property is contributed to initiate the contract. Together we can explore the potential tax advantages of each type of contribution and determine the amount of payments you would receive throughout your lifetime.
Please contact our office today and ask us for a complimentary Charitable Gift Annuity illustration.
Interested in learning more? Please download our factsheet on Gift Annuities (PDF, 1MB).